Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil LNG project gets 15-year extension on export licence

West Moberly First Nations and Transcanada Corp have reached agreement on the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Project

The Future of BC LNG
by JOC DIGITAL MEDIA Jan 12, 2016 The British Columbia chapter of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies held a seminar in downtown Vancouver on Jan. 12 with David Keane from the BC LNG Alliance on the present and future of the liquefied natural gas (LNG)...

BC Chiefs Speak Out for Sustainable Resource Development
NORTHERN FIRST NATIONS LEADERS DEMAND NEW APPROACH TO RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Current system is broken - tears apart aboriginal communities, denies economic benefit to all British Columbians FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 8, 2015 (VANCOUVER) – The B.C. and federal...

What our communities have to say about LNG.
Over the last year we have worked with communities to determine communication needs around LNG projects in our territory. See what our members are saying in the infographic below. T8_survey_results_ALL

Treaty 8 First Nations sign deals on pipeline projects
Two Treaty 8 First Nations have signed project agreements with the province and TransCanada Corporation over construction of two proposed pipelines for northeast BC. Both the province and TransCanada announced Monday deals had been struck with Doig River and Halfway...